Thursday, June 5, 2008

Framed Openings:

Framed Openings are normally used to open portions of a wall that are normally used for access. Framed opening refers to the framing members and flashing which surround an opening. Framed Openings includes Jambs, Header or Sill, Trim, and fasteners.

For example, when you move through the framed opening of the door, you will feel inside is very different from the way you felt outside and you experience entirely as a new place. Framed openings can be employed in any location where you want to distinguish one space from another. These techniques are frequently used in residential buildings. It gives each space its own personality.

Framed openings for wall assemblies are available with unlimited geo designs and structures. Recently Building Manufacturers invented a sleeping bag with internal rigid framed opening. The invention relates in general to a sleeping bag having a rigid framework which may be disposed at the front entrance of the sleeping bag to provide a tunnel-like entrance opening.

Usually steel buildings have at least one, or more framed openings, outfitted with some type of overhead door. Framed openings can be ordered in any desired size. Due to engineering restrictions, there will be a restriction to the number and size of framed openings.

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