Thursday, May 8, 2008

IQS – Icon Building Systems Comes Up with a New Technological Trend

Whenever an individual or a business decides that success has been attained, progress stops. But Icon Buildings proves their continuous success in each & every steps of their business innovations.

Now, Icon Buildings comes up with a new Metal Building Software, the most advanced metal buildings, steel buildings design & pricing system, in 2008. Here we can build, design & price our own choice of steel buildings & metal buildings online. A real time designing system to build our own choice of pre engineered steel buildings & metal buildings in a fraction of seconds.

Metal Building Software is a Software Program that does the complete design of pre engineered steel buildings & metal buildings. The software does the design based on your inventory and your own choice. Clients who use our software have reduced their design & pricing time.

In modern trend, most of the steel building & metal building customers, wish to design their own choice of metal buildings. IQS, an advanced technology with user friendly functionality, designed to satisfy these kinds of customers. Anyone can build, design & price his or her own choice of steel buildings & metal buildings right from their home computer.

Complete Installation guides & instructions are available in

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